Privacy Policy
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
is the European Privacy legislation that ensures your personal data is protected even better than before. Transparency about the use of your data becomes more important every day. Therefore, Irish Flight Training (IFT) Ltd Privacy Policy is in full compliance with EU and national legislation to meet all requirements.
In Compliance with European Data Regulations (GDPR) your details in this document are treated as a confirmation that you agree with Irish Flight Training Privacy Policy, which will
allow IFT to use your personal data for successful delivery of the training.
What data does Irish Flight Training Ltd collect and store?
We only collect and store data relating to the business relation with the individual person training at Irish Flight Training Ltd. This includes, but is not limited to:
- Personal details: Name, citizenship, date of birth, gender, address
- Licensing details: License number, state of issue, ratings, expiry dates, applicable medical certificates
- Training details: The contents of your training records such as assessments, skill test reports, certificates